Category Archives: Recommended Readings

Recommended Readings

Ragini Srinivasan, University of California, Berkeley


(Some) Critical Readings of Jhumpa Lahiri’s Fiction

Alfonso‐Forero, Ann Marie, “Immigrant Motherhood and Transnationality in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Fiction,” Literature Compass 4.3 (2007): 851-861.

Bahmanpour, Bahareh. “Female Subjects and Negotiating Identities in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies,” Studies in Literature and Language 1.6 (2010): 43-51.

Bandyopadhyay, Debarati, “Negotiating Borders of Culture Jhumpa Lahiri’s Fiction,” Journal of Literature, Culture and Media Studies 1.1 (2010).

Bhalla, Tamara. “Being (and Feeling) Gogol: Reading and Recognition in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake,” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the US 37.1 (2012): 105-129.

Bhardwaj, Ritu. “Identity and Diaspora in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake,Current Research in English Language and Literature 1.1 (2013): 11-14.

Brada, Williams, Noelle. “Reading Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies as a Short-Story Cycle,” MELUS 29.3-4, pp. 451-464, Autumn/Winter 2004.

Caesar, Judith. “American Spaces in the Fiction of Jhumpa Lahiri,” English Studies in Canada 31.3, pp. 50-68, August 2005.

–. “Gogol’s Namesake: Identity and Relationships in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake,” Atenea 27.1, pp. 103-119, June 2007.

Chakraborty, Mridula Nath. “Leaving No Remains: Death Among the Bengalis in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Fiction,” South Atlantic Quarterly 110.4, pp. 813-829, Fall 2011.

Chetty, Raj. “The Indian on the Bookshelf: Placing Jhumpa Lahiri in Contemporary American Literature,” South Asia and Its Others: Reading the Exotic (2009).

Dhingra, Lavina and Floyd Cheung, eds. Naming Jhumpa Lahiri: Canons and Controversies. Maryland: Lexington Books, 2012.

Friedman, Natalie. “From Hybrids to Tourists: Children of Immigrants in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake,” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 50.1 (2008): 111-128.

Heinze, Ruediger. “A Diasporic Overcoat? Naming and Affection in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake,” Journal of Postcolonial Writing 43.2 (2007): 191-202.

Hogue, W. Lawrence. “A Cosmopolitan Reading,” American Book Review 36.5 (2015): 8-9.

Koshy, Susan. “Minority Cosmopolitanism,” PMLA 126.3, pp. 592-609, May 2011.

–. “Neoliberal Family Matters,” American Literary History 25.2, pp. 344-380, 2013.

Kral, Françoise. “Shaky Ground and New Territorialities in Brick Lane by Monica Ali and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri,” Journal of Postcolonial Writing 43.1 (2007): 65-76.

Mishra, Shubha. “The Identity Crisis—An Immigrant Experience as Reflected in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Novel The Namesake,” Indian Writings in English, </em>eds. Binod Mishra and Sanjay Kumar, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 2006.

Munos, Delphine. After Melancholia: A Reappraisal of Second-Generation Diasporic Subjectivity in the Work of Jhumpa Lahiri. Vol. 169. Rodopi, 2013.

Rao, K. Narasimha, “Simulacra of Identity Interstices: The Select Fiction of Chitra Banerjee and Jhumpa Lahiri,” IUP Journal of English Studies 10.3 (2015): 7.

Reddy, Vanita. “Jhumpa Lahiri’s Feminist Cosmopolitics and the Transnational Beauty Assemblage,” Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 11.2 (2013): 29-59.

Sarangi, Jaydeep. “Bond without Bondage: Bharati Mukherjee and Jhumpa Lahiri,” Studies in Women Writers in English 2 (2004): 139.

Song, Min Hyoung. “The Children of 1965: Allegory, Postmodernism, and Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake,” Twentieth Century Literature (2007): 345-370.

Srinivasan, Ragini T. “Lahiri, High and Low,” Public Books, January 20, 2014. Available from <>

Srivastava, Ramesh K. “Comic Touches in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies: Stories of Bengal, Boston and Beyond,” New Perspectives on Indian English Writings (2007): 16.

Williams, Laura Anh. “Foodways and Subjectivity in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies,” Melus (2007): 69-79.